The mystical energies of the moonstone also work well with other powerful healing properties of the crystals to amplify its benefits. Although this sign is naturally a loyal partner and a true social butterfly, they could still find improvement in their relationships as a result of working with moonstone. It is an indication that youre sleeping better. Furthermore, this gem is connected to the improvement of your intuitive and psychic talents. It fires up your solar plexus chakra, putting the feisty Leos back in the driving seat and enhancing self-control. As a result, they will find a comforting and familiar energy in moonstone. Labradorite is an amazing Leo birthstone. Amber is thought to possess the ability to foster creativity, increase wisdom and bring about inner harmony. Bright, fiery reds and oranges are thought to bring out the inner fire and determination of Leos. More negatively, Leos are known to be stubborn, competitive, and resistant to criticism. You can also soak it in saltwater or bury it in a bowl filled with salt. The moonstone can stimulate your divine and sacred femininity while the sunstone brings in passion, strength, and a sense of order and direction. Of course, neither planet is better, and we need both, but a good balance between the two is desirable. It can help with decision making, self control and inner balance. Carnelian is a suitable birthstone for the July-born Leos. It can encourage you to be more understanding and patient which are crucial traits for any leader. Though all signs can benefit from moonstone, the one that can benefit from this stone in particular is Leo. Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra is your gateway to the expanded and infinite universe beyond your body. This lovely resin is a powerful option as a solar plexus and sacral chakra stone. This of course, does not mean that you cannot wear another signs birthstone. Furthermore, it also carries a higher energy frequency that surpasses nearly all stones for activating and healing properties of your higher chakras, making it ideal for meditation, spiritual work, and connecting to the divine and ancient wisdom. Garnet is considered to be an energizing birthstone. Meditating with the moonstone crystal can take you deep into yourself. Welcome to, the home of some of Mother Natures greatest gifts to us all. By knowing this stones associated zodiac signs, we can help determine if it is beneficial to us and how we could benefit from working with it. The muscovite crystal is an interesting Leo birthstone. We recommend that you cleanse and charge your moonstone crystal under the moonlight. Moonstone has always been sacred and valued in India and is believed to have a symbolic relation to lovers. Rubies and Leos are made for each other. After experiencing the positive impact of these stones first hand, she founded Crystal Viden to share her knowledge with others. It activates your solar plexus and sacral chakra which encourages motivation, passion, confidence, artistry, and intellectuality. Heather was first introduced to the power of crystals on a trip overseas to study meditation and manifestation practices. Crystal singing bowls can help energize the frequency of your birthstone while boosting your auric field and balancing your chakras. Moonstone is a beautiful, unique gemstone that has many benefits. Sun rules the zodiac sign Leo. With its green shimmer, peridot is also heart-centered energy that can help protect Leos from malicious comments and unkind words. Olivia's husband is wonderful, and they love traveling and reading books together. It is known that moonstone, which is known to be very good for intestinal problems and solves problem of constipation. Also, it is ideal for past-life regression. Perhaps the easiest way to physically clean your birthstone is to wash it in warm, soapy water. Furthermore, this stone can also bring protection and strength, whether your emotions are swinging low or riding high. The salt can help absorb the toxic energies from within. Lions like to watch their mates succeed. With its pitch-black energies, it can calm Leos excessive energy and help keep their lively personality under control. Leo July 23 to August 22. Many people use moonstones to calm themselves, endure pain, and focus on what's important. Shimmering in vibrant yellow light, the golden yellow topaz is a powerful birthstone and moonstone. 2022 It is also a useful tool in radionic analysis and treatment to help pinpoint problem areas. And these gems can help improve the spiritual energies of those born with Cancer, as well as enhance psychic capabilities. Leos are also friendly and are quite loyal and generous. It is also a potent intention amplifier, allowing you to manifest anything of your spiritual or physical nature. Leo Zodiac Leo Birthdates. Leo, the Lion, is the fifth astrological sign in the Zodiac. As a full moon in Aquarius will only happen during Leo season, . Its positive energies bring joy and happiness into your life while instilling positive and enthusiastic thinking, especially when you become insecure or jealous. We connect Gemini to moonstone, as it is the mystical birthstone for this sign. It may seem strange that weve included Amber on our list of helpful Leo crystals, but this beautiful fossilized evergreen resin has lots of wonderful properties that can really enhance a Leos well-being. In addition, gold shines with royalty and class and has been a symbol of power and prestige since ancient times. Open up your root and sacral chakras with Garnet, and feel jealousy, self-doubt and relationship issues become a thing of the past. The gem cultivates empathy and compassion, helping you to tap into your intuition and enhancing clairvoyance and psychic abilities. They perceive themselves as celebrities and never get tired of exclusive parties, lavish dinners, or decadent designer clothing. Leos can be competitive, impatient and unwilling to readily accept criticism. If you look at these moonstone gemstones closely under the full moon, theres an optical effect filtered out with a tall dome and usually has the star of light on top. This stone is believed to contain the warm light of the spirit, inspiring tranquillity, and profound peace. Not only that, but moonstones can also help you in identifying the emotional patterns stored in the subconscious mind and serve as a guardian to contain your explosive passions and stimulate composure and self-esteem. Carnelian is often used as a root, sacral and solar plexus chakra stone. The relaxing effects of these gems can help you sink into a deeper meditation. If you ever feel lazy or sluggish, then this stone can also help. Above all, this sign is celebrated for its remarkable bravery and courage. In addition, carnelian is a powerful healer of the lower chakras, reducing feelings of resentment or jealousy. February 14th, 2023. Peridot is strongly connected to the heart and solar plexus chakras, so it is often used to help Leos open their hearts and free themselves from too much ego. This can help in balancing out your competitive nature with your brimming confidence and big-hearted nature. It is most suitable for the Leos who are looking to turn up the volume for their spiritual side. Smudge the moonstone with palo santo, sage, or other smudge sticks. The energies of the moonstone can help Librans to accept changes in life with glory and grace, and not fear the decision-making process, since like the moon, life has its ups and downs, and nothing remains constant. Its known as both Stone Of Endurance and Nurture Stone. In other words, Red Jasper can help you have strength and endurance while giving you the self-love and nurturing that your soul needs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hiddenite is crucial for the Leos who tend to struggle in releasing their feelings of failure. Leos often face criticism. Furthermore, this birthstone can also help in repelling other peoples negative influences, helping them create harmonious relationships. It also helps lower your egotistical nature and teaches you to accept help and support when you need it. Gemstones can help you communicate efficiently and clearly, so you can create more impact, making it suitable when doing a presentation or speaking in public. The honey colors of this Leo birthstone just seem to exude warmth and nurturing vibrations. Moonstone meaning is an opalescent variety of an alkali feldspar called Orthoclase featuring a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale. I have personally been using crystals for years - either to help me with manifestation, shadow work, or just to help me have a good day. Birthstone for Leo: An All Inclusive Guide. Oftentimes, it can reveal the missing pieces of the puzzle of your life, parts of you should that have been forgotten or left behind. Regardless of what you choose, these Leo birthstones are a must-have in your growing crystal collection to enhance your superb Leo qualities. Other ways of cleansing your moons crystal include: With the moonstone crystal channeling the energies of the moon, you can keep your emotions and spiritual self in balance, infusing your chakras with its potent brilliant white light. When your crown chakra is balanced, the energies of the body also balance. Leos can benefit from using Rose Quartz because this crystal may be able to help them improve their communication skills and receive guidance and protection from higher powers. Citrine is a powerful stone of the solar plexus chakra and helps in raising your self-confidence while teaching you to accept constructive criticism. As a result, moonstone can help to release some of that anxiety and instead focus on their strengths. By using birthstones that are particularly connected to the energy of this sign, a Leo can support and enhance their more positive points and heal and control any traits that could be holding them back. The green moonstone is not as well recognized as the blue or rainbow moonstone. Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac Represented by the Lion; Leos are considered the queens and kings of the celestial jungle. Others can help reduce the less desirable ones such as over-jealousy and self-doubting. Moonstone is good for activating your creative and intuitive power of feminine energy which helps you get in tune with your true emotions. Its sunny and light energies also help encourage new opportunities and growth, making it the best Leo birthstone. Here are some of the ways you can use your preferred birthstone. What is Citrine? They are creative, brimming in confidence, quite dramatic, dominant, and extremely difficult to resist. . The classical origin of Moonstone is Sri Lanka featuring stones shimmering pale blue to almost transparent ground. Zodiac: Leo, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio Element(s): Fire, Water | The Spirit of the Stones | This stone is one of my favorites, and I cannot help but list them if and when I find a piece with the right balance of beauty and energy; light and shadow; yin and yang. Benefits of Wearing Moonstone It helps to regain inner balance It helps in self- healing It protects travellers from accidents, thefts or any other mishap It is a good gift for lovers to enhance passion between them It helps in spiritual growth It also helps to reunite the lost lovers Meanwhile, the specimens from India show cloudlike plays of light and shading on many other colors such as green, beige-brown, or orange backgrounds. Are you a Leo searching for a way to begin a journey of inner growth and deeper insight? The moon, in most spiritual traditions including feng shui, represents the divine feminine. Ancient astrologers have identified a gemstone that would give Leo men and women more self-possession and self-control, and that the gemstone for Leo is the black onyx. Wear it near your heart for maximum benefit. Moonstone helps us to make decisions, connect us to our spirituality and helps to calm our emotions. Using birthstones for healing is often a matter of choice. It has the power of enhancing creativity. Interestingly, Rose Quartz plays heavily in ancient love lore as its connected to Cupid, Aphrodite and Adonis. Although the thicker layer of the Feldspar is what creates its luminous white color. Leos can use Red Jasper to help them let go of stress, connect to a higher consciousness and enjoy increased emotional and mental health. Not only that, but this stone also alleviates menstrual issues as well as balancing the hormonal system, and eliminating fluid retention. The softer, more healing crystals, like Citrine, Rose Quartz and Carnelian, can bring a Leo peace, self-love and a consciousness that they often need to overcome any traits that are holding them back. This sign is capable of uniting different groups of people and can lead them as one toward a powerful shared cause. These decisions, over time, can hurt their relationships and make it difficult for them to reach their goals. I'll show you how to use the stones & how to care for them - everything you need to keep your crystals Neat & happy! This should help in motivating you to keep on pushing forward if you lack self-confidence or self-belief. Chrysocolla is all about inner transformation, teaching and communication. Not only that, but it also helps in absorbing universal energy that can bring balance to their yin and yang energies. Citrine is a variety of Quartz.Citrine is a 13th Anniversary gemstone. This is great for Leos who desire to tap into the Divine wisdom that can bring balance and healing. All rights reserved. We absolutely love Citrine for its feelings of happiness and healing. The rainbow moonstone can provide nurturing energies that can help you move forward. Moonstone can help Cancer by helping to regulate their emotions and making sure they do not fall into the trap of being extremely sentimental or resentful. Leos are ruled by the mighty sun the dazzling celestial body governing vitality and life, The sun never goes retrograde, and similarly, Leos are known for their loyalty, consistency, and stability. This Leo stone can be used to provide clarity during past-life exploration, to help combat stress and to build and maintain a healthy level of self-confidence. Fortunately, the energies of rhodonite can help restore emotional and mental balance, keeping you centered and at peace. 20 Most Useful Crystals For Chakra Alignment The How To 21 Powerful Crystals For Abundance The How To Guide, 25 Powerful Crystals For Nightmare The How To Guide, 27 Powerful Crystals For Studying The How To Guide, 39 Powerful Crystals For Stress The How To Guide, 29 Powerful Crystals For Anger The How To Guide, Pink Tourmaline: Unveiling its Meaning, Uses, and Benefits. This blue-green stone with its heavy copper flecking is actually a mixture of Malachite, Turquoise and Azurite. In this article, let us explore the astonishing benefits of Moonstone. The Romans believed that moonstone crystals enclosed in the image of the moon goddess, Diana, can encourage love, victory, wealth, and wisdom upon its possessor. Leo birthstone is a wonderful way to help re-balance your personality traits. 34 Powerful Crystals For Pain Relief The How To Guide, Pink Tourmaline: Unveiling its Meaning, Uses, and Benefits, Opalite | Meaning, Value, And Healing Properties, Bloodstone Meanings, Properties & Facts About Heliotrope, Black Obsidian | Meaning, Uses, And Healing Properties, Blue Jasper Stone Meanings, Properties, and Uses, Polychrome Jasper Meanings, Properties and Uses, Angel Aura Quartz Meanings, Properties and Uses, Petoskey Stone Meanings, Properties and Uses, Star Sapphire Meanings, Properties and Uses, December Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, November Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, October Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, September Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, August Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, July Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, June Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, April Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, March Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, February Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, January Birthstone Guide, Color and Meanings, Scorpio Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Sagittarius Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Gemini Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Virgo Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Cancer Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Libra Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Pisces Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Aries Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Aquarius Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Taurus Birthstone List, Color and Meanings, Capricorn Birthstone List, Color and Meanings. This brilliant stone can help encourage fearfulness while inspiring trust and confidence. Not only that, but this stone can also enhance your usual kind-heartedness and good humor, allowing you to put the negative experience to good use. 2. Tigers Eye is a great stone for meditation, and it is thought to have the power to reveal your own inner wisdom and insight. It offers psychic protection, assists in calm sleep and lucid dreaming, and is helpful in clearing the senses and mind. We would like to mention that there is no right or wrong crystal for a Leo. In addition, wearing birthstone jewelry can also ensure that you manifest and carry your intentions with you every second of the day. The rhodochrosite also offers a gentle frequency that resonates with your inner child. Leos are also known to worship the fiery entity in the sky, quite literally and metaphorically. Leo is a fixed sign known for their determination and ambitions. The fertility cycles of women connect with the waning and waxing of the moon. Each of the best Leo birthstones have a number of properties that make them a great choice for those who were born under this zodiac sign. This is particularly useful for psychic protection and maintaining clarity of energy while working at a higher intuitive level. You will know our place in this universe and see and understand things beyond. Moonstone is named after its moon-like sheen. Rainbow Moonlight fuels inspiration and encourages self-expression. Vibrant and radiant, the red jasper is a powerful Leo birthstone that helps in sorting out an unbalanced base chakra. In fact, she has a daughter who she named after one of her favorite crystals, Amber. In addition, the Golden Leo birthstone also provides these individuals the attention that they crave while supporting their optimistic and giving nature. This stone can provide much-needed support and encouragement when you are going through difficult situations and challenges. Por el bien del ecosistema y el medio ambiente en este pas La minera de cobre Panam, debe ser clausurada , lo siento por la gente que quedar sin empleo, pero es eso o un futuro catastrfico Choose the one that attracts you the most. As a result, they can become impaired by their pride, jealousy, and ego when they start o fear their star power will be outshined. Also, you can place Leos birthstones in a grid around you before you start. Leo - Ruby. Olivia Smith is a woman who loves crystals with all of her heart. This stone can soothe anxiety and worry while incorporating the attributes of transition, fertility, and tranquility. Moonstones are particularly useful for improving our emotional balance and aligning our chakras. And fittingly so since the Leo sign governs the heart. With the potent energies of the tigers eye, you will not only gain confidence in your judgment but also teach them the humility to realize when they made a mistake. It can also help in forging new pathways while providing you the courage to overcome difficult situations and face hard decisions. The cancer zodiac sign is represented by the crab, and people born under this sign are loyal, adaptable, and attached to the family. It is thought to help reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation and peace, and ease symptoms of PMS and menopause. The beautiful green aventurine is another heart-based Leo birthstone. In fact, this moonstone gem is also believed to help treat sleepwalking. Activates the crown chakra. On the other hand, there is the list of modern birthstones, defined by the National Association of Jewelers based partly on the history of Aaron, but also on what is widely available to American jewelers. We can use this to determine which crystal is beneficial to each zodiac sign. Take note, however, that some birthstone like muscovite is not suitable for water cleansing. If you have any more questions after reading this blog post or want a personal answer for your specific situation, join the free Facebook group! Pairing moonstones with amethyst can connect the calming and soothing energies of the amethyst. As a stone for the Root Chakra, black onyx's grounding and protective energy helps Leos to overcome self-doubt. Restores emotional wounds and trauma. So lets take a look at a few of the most common ways to use these Leo birthstones. This makes people born under the banner of Leo warm-hearted, love life, and have a good time. With their strong connection to the nighttime, these gemstones with health benefits are useful in treating insomnia and enhancing beneficial and lucid dreams. NOTE: A crystal can be beneficial to many different people, regardless of their zodiac signs. In addition, this birthstone can also strengthen your leadership qualities. Leos have found Labradorite to be effective for getting rid of negative energy, healing old wounds and unfogging the mind. Moonstone is the best for treating stomach, liver, and pancreas related ailments. This will usually have inclusions and veins of metallic grey or red hue, mainly because of the hematite inclusions. They love to bask in the spotlight, celebrating their power and might. For example, amethyst is the birthstone of February, making it the birthstone of Aquarians and Pisceans born in that month. July 24 - August 23 . 5 Astonishing Benefits of Moonstone Crystal. Its a kind of all-purpose stone that we highly suggest having as a part of your healing practice. Plus, the white moonstone is actually supportive of kids suffering from insomnia and nightmares. This should provide them with increased focus and concentration. What is Moonstone? As a result, Cancers will find a comforting and familiar energy around this crystal. Enter the magical realm of crystals, enjoy the journey and find your perfect stones! While it is available in a range of colors, the garnet stone is best known for its blood-red shades. The energies of the golden yellow topaz can empower Leos to be successful by recognizing not only your abilities and skills but also acknowledging the positive influence of others. The hiddenite crystal is the green to the yellow form of kunzite and is a gentle, yet potent Leo birthstone and moonstone. If you are looking for spiritual growth, then we suggest choosing a lighter Emerald. They are brimming with energy, passion, determination, and charisma. It can heal and direct you to your internal path. Moonstone is a beautiful, iridescent gemstone that has been used in jewelry and other decorative items for centuries. Light moves across the moonstone gems, creating a visual effect that is reminiscent of the full moon shining through the veil of thin clouds. Citrine Associations. Here we explained why these Leo birthstones are the best to use to enhance our key traits and personalities as a Leo. With both moonstone crystals having a deep association with the moon, this combo can create a harmonic and powerful connection to the divine while also enhancing your intuition, managing your ego, opening yourself to the world, and fighting materials, all to have a better connection to your higher self. In general, the moonstone seeks to bring peace, harmony, and love to all individuals! According to the modern and traditional lists, Moonstone is not a birthstone. The moonstone gem helps in stabilizing your feelings and helps you understand life better when youre going through a rough patch in life. 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